Pastor Josh Leadership


A Guy at the Door..


Today our video doorbell went off, so I answered it digitally because I thought the guy was a salesman. Plus, we were about to leave. He said he was from the Seventh Day Adventist Church. I quickly made my way to the door. I have always been a little unsure about the 7DA, so it was a way to have a quick conversation with someone who has some different views and give me a peek into their beliefs. I had read a lot and heard some things but no discussions with an actual person.

Speaking Your Mind

Artboard 1

Speaking your mind is not virtuous; self-control is.

We've all met someone, or some of us have been at times (me!
) people who simply say whatever they think. Often we consider that virtuous. Honesty is a virtue. But you know what else is? Self-Control.

Restore the Joy

JoyDo you remember the day when Jesus lit your soul on fire? Do you remember how exhilarated your heart was? Do you remember the Joy of your salvation? .... Did you lose it?

One of my favorite passages in the bible is Psalms 51. It’s David’s psalm of repentance from the sin of adultery and murder. (Yes one the greatest influencers the world has ever known was an adulterous murderer...